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Table 1 Inclusion and Exclusion Criteria

From: A Computerized Cognitive behavioral therapy Randomized, Controlled, pilot trial for insomnia in Parkinson Disease (ACCORD-PD)

Inclusion Criteria

Exclusion Criteria

1. 35–85 years of age

1. Dementia as defined by DSM-IV criteria

2. Diagnosis of PD by a Movement Disorders neurologist

2. Patients with suboptimally treated depression and significant depressive symptoms as defined by a PHQ-9 score of > 15. Antidepressant medications prescribed for depression or anxiety were allowed if the patient had been on a stable dose for at least 1 month.

3. On stable antiparkinsonian medications for the past 30 days

3. Significant hallucinations or psychotic symptoms requiring antipsychotic medications

4. ISI > 11

4. Presence of significant sleep disorders that could be contributing to insomnia such as known sleep apnea, RBD, RLS

5. Access to a computer and internet

5. Presence of significant motor fluctuations, especially nocturnal akinesias that could be contributing to insomnia

6. Be able to speak, read and understand English

6. Use of sedatives, benzodiazepines or sedating antidepressants (such as mirtazapine, TCAs), modafinil, stimulants, anticholinergic medications, were allowed if the patient had been on a stable dose for at least 1 month and was not taking it as a sleep aid.


7. Significant renal, hepatic, cardiac and thyroid disease that could have interfered with protocol adherence