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Table 1 Clinical phenomenology of Cases 1 and 2 Vs common PD-related non-motor symptoms

From: Are we missing non-motor seizures in Parkinson’s disease? Two case reports

Case 1

Episodic Manifestations

Case 2

Episodic Manifestations

PD Non-Motor Manifestation

Confusion (few hours duration)

Confusion (minutes to hours duration)

Cognitive fluctuations (hours to days)

Visual aura


Visual perceptual problems/hallucinations



Hyposmia/functional anosmia

Nocturnal events (violent jerks and vocalizations)


-REM sleep behavior disorder (possible pre-motor)

-Non-REM parasomnias (confusional wandering)

EEG: bilateral temporal spikes; left temporal slowing and left anterior sharp waves

EEG: left temporal slowing and left temporal sharp wave

EEG: normal/global slowing