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Table 1 KNGF Guidelines: physiotherapy program for balance training

From: Effects of a sensory-motor orthotic on postural instability rehabilitation in Parkinson’s disease: a pilot study

Improvement of physical capacity

To maintain or to improve physical capacity with training of aerobic muscle strength (with the emphasis on the muscles of the trunk and legs), joint mobility (among others, axial) and muscle length (among others, muscles of the calf and the hamstrings, flexor and extensor of the knee)

Improvement of the transfers

To train transfers by applying cognitive improvement strategies and cues to initiate and continue movements

Normalizing body posture

To prevent or treat postural deformities with exercises for postural alignment and coordinated movements

Training balance

To optimize balance during the performance of activities in static and dynamic conditions with exercises for training strength and perturbation-based balance training with emphasis of functional reaching test in protected condition and how to activate postural responses to perturbation. Falls prevention strategies.

Gait training

To walk safely and to increase (comfortable) walking speed with exercise walking with the use of cues and cognitive movement strategies and to train muscle strength and mobility of the trunk and upper and lower limbs.